When investigating the success or failure of different wind power projects, it is essential to take into account how they were historically situated. This study focuses on attempts to develop wind power in an archipelago setting, at Utö in Sweden. It has been argued that the development of Swedish wind power slowed during the 1990s; by revisiting the early days of wind power, looking at resistance and support, and connecting success factors, this can be further investigated. Whereas earlier research pointed out institutional conditions and site-specific conditions as crucial for successful wind power development and acceptance, the picture can be made more complete by discussing how wind power projects are affected by time-specific historical conditions. In the case of Utö, these can partly be associated with a newly launched political support program that gave the project political legitimacy and added a ”pioneering spirit” to the endeavor. Conversely, when wind power is not seen as ”pioneering” or ”experimental” any more, but as a mere industrial activity, other incentives may need to be offered to municipalities.
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- Referens:
Fjaestad, M. (2013). Winds of time: Lessons from Utö in the Stockholm Archipelago, 1990–2001. Energy Policy, 62, pp. 124–130.